A bit Groundhog Day, a bit Tru Calling, the film opens with a college student waking up one morning, living through a day of minor events, and getting killed by a masked assailant at the end of the day. But then her day resets and she finds herself waking up to the same day. Despite making some different choices, she still gets killed by a masked assailant at the end of the day, albeit in a different scenario. And then, the day resets yet again. And so on and forth till she finally figures out the mystery of the masked assailant and manages to 'save the day', find love and become a better person.
For a teen-horror-comedy-flick this is actually quite fun to watch. It has a very simple story, but with some decent writing, directing, editing and acting, it stays interesting from beginning to end. Jessica Rothe as the selfish, unlikeable teen is a compelling watch, and very quickly grows on you, just as her character grows into a more likeable human.
For a teen-horror-comedy-flick this is actually quite fun to watch. It has a very simple story, but with some decent writing, directing, editing and acting, it stays interesting from beginning to end. Jessica Rothe as the selfish, unlikeable teen is a compelling watch, and very quickly grows on you, just as her character grows into a more likeable human.